American playwright and Essayist Arthur Miller was perhaps best known for 1949’s Death of a Salesman, yet besides his writing the man led a very interesting life. Here are three facts about Arthur Miller that you may find interesting.
His family lost everything in the Wall Street Crash of 1929. Miller’s father, Isidore Miller, had made a name for himself in the textiles industry, operating a women’s clothing factory that employed 400 people. As a result the Millers enjoyed a comfortable lifestyle, which included a summer home in addition to their primary residence in Manhattan, and a chauffeur. All that came to a crashing halt in 1929 however, and young Arthur had to work several menial jobs to pay his way through school.
Marilyn Monroe converted to Judaism for him. Miller left his first wife after an affair with Monroe, and the two were married in 1956 for five years before their divorce in 1961. Monroe was so taken with Miller that she actually converted to Judaism (Miller was Jewish) as a sign of her love and affection.
He wrote the first act of Death of a Salesman in less than a day. After the commercial success of All My Sons, which won Miller his first Tony Awards for Best Author, Miller had a small studio constructed in Roxbury, Connecticut in 1948. In that studio, Miller wrote the entire first act of Death of a Salesman in less than a day, and completed the entire rest of the play within six weeks.
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